iki directory is a curated collection of privately-owned companies, hand-selected based on ethical accountability, quality product, and standout founding stories.
At this time, we verify companies through detailed research and sign-off from each company that their published information is true. We create each company profile by scraping the internet for information and compiling it here, on our website. Profiles are reviewed, approved, and edited by each company's leadership.
Just like people, we don't expect companies to be perfect. Companies catch our attention if they go above and beyond in one or more of our pillars of ethical practices; Environmental, Social, Governance, or Concept. Maybe not perfect, but the companies you'll find on iki directory are above average and committed to doing good by their stakeholders (including the environment) and continual improvement.
Our vision for the future is to provide iki directory companies with reporting tools to compile the metrics they have available to compute Environmental, Social, Governance Reports (ESG Reporting). A favorable report will be integrated into our verification process. These reports will be published on iki directory, accessible for consumers to view.